Terms and Conditions

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The website www.claretvalenciabenimaclet.com is owned by Colegio Claret Benimaclet and complies with the requirements derived from Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, of the Royal Decree-law 13/2012, of March 30, as well as of the obligation of Information to the user contemplated in the Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, of Protection of Data of Personal Character.

Identification data

Name: Colegio Claret Benimaclet
VAT number: R4600243B
Address: C / Soledad Doménech, 12,
Population: 46020 - Benimaclet
Phone: 963694351
Email: direccion@claretvalenciabenimaclet.com
URL: www.claretvalenciabenimaclet.com

Legal note

In accordance with current regulations on data protection as well as on the services of the information society and electronic commerce, the user accepts that the personal data provided on the Website, or any other information provided to Colegio Claret Benimaclet for their access to some of the services are incorporated into files owned by Colegio Claret Benimaclet, in order to facilitate the provision of the services requested, for the correct identification of users who request personalized services on the Web, for the management of basic tasks of administration, as well as to keep you informed, either by email or by any other means, of news, products and services related to Colegio  Claret Benimaclet . In the case of commercial communications through electronic mail or equivalent means, the user gives his express consent for sending advertising through said medium.
Colegio Claret Benimaclet undertakes to comply with its obligation of secrecy of personal data and its duty to treat them with confidentiality, and assumes, for these purposes, the technical, organizational and security measures necessary to prevent their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, Protection of Personal Data, and other applicable legislation.
The answers of the fields that contain an asterisk (*) or designated as mandatory, have a mandatory character, considering the minimum information required to manage the information requested, without this information it would be impossible to develop the requested service. The rest of the fields are optional response.
The user will respond, in any case, the veracity of the data provided, reserving Colegio Claret Benimaclet the right to exclude from the registered services to any user who has provided false data, without prejudice to other actions that proceed in Law.
Any user can at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, by writing, proving their identity, by photocopy of the DNI, and specifying the right to exercise, to:

Colegio Claret Benimaclet ,

c/ Soledad Doménech 12 ,

46020 - Benimaclet (VALENCIA).